2025 TAM Educational Activations

2025 TAM Educational Activations

Come out to the Bullock Texas State History Museum and participate in interactive educational experiences, hands-on activities, and demonstrations. The Elisabet Ney Museum will be there to present their brand new program, Breaking the Mold: Mobile, Hands-On Art Crates!

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Naturalists at the Ney: Natural Dye Kitchen, From Scraps to Shades

Naturalists at the Ney: Natural Dye Kitchen, From Scraps to Shades

If you cook you produce food waste. Imagine transforming that waste into dye. Join the Refugee Collective Saturday, April 26 (10am-12pm) for a natural dye workshop where you’ll learn the art of natural dye and practical ways to save and transform food waste into dye stuffs. A limited number of bandannas for dying will be provided to attendees. It is encouraged to bring one 100% cotton clothing item to dye as well. To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/natural-dye-kitchen-from-scraps-to-shades-tickets-1264430849709?aff=oddtdtcreator

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Naturalists at the Ney: Birding in Central Texas

Naturalists at the Ney: Birding in Central Texas

Get ready to learn about birding in Central Texas with birding expert Jane Tillman! We will keep our eyes and ears open for local birds as we learn how to use and what to look for in a pair of binoculars, and how to use the birding app Merlin. We will explore ways to attract birds to our neighborhoods by providing native plants, water, shelter and places to raise young. Jane is an active member of the Travis Audubon Society. She teaches backyard birding classes and gives talks about Central Texas birds and gardening for birds to garden clubs, neighborhood associations and libraries. She has a Best of Texas Backyard Wildlife Habitat. Jane is a Master Birder, an amateur naturalist, and teacher for the Native Plant Society of Texas Native Landscape Certification Program. To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/birding-in-central-texas-tickets-1264434049279?aff=oddtdtcreator

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Naturalists at the Ney: Kill Your Lawn

Naturalists at the Ney: Kill Your Lawn

Explore the benefits and process of turning your front yard into a classroom and native plant habitat with botanist, educator and YouTuber Joey Santore. This presentation will include tips on getting native habitat established, what to plant first, how to deal with weeds, the benefits of mulch, why planting smaller is better, how to maintain and prune plants to avoid being handled by city code enforcement that may not understand it and who may still be under the spell of the lawn cult, and more. This event is scheduled for Saturday, June 28 (10am-12pm). Joey will also have merchandise for sale after the event. To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kill-your-lawn-presented-by-joey-santore-tickets-1264437579839?aff=oddtdtcreator

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Fusebox November Salon: Ahamefule J. Oluo and Joshua Banbury

Fusebox November Salon: Ahamefule J. Oluo and Joshua Banbury

The Fusebox Salon Series November artist salon, taking place at the Elisabet Ney Museum, features two remarkable artists from a not too distant Fusebox future.

Ahamefula J. Oluo (a brilliant multi-instrumentalist, composer, writer, comedian, and creator of live performance) is an artist we have admired for years. They will join us in conversation fresh off the premiere of their newest performance The Things Around Us, which beautifully weaves stories and anecdotes together with a live musical score that Ahamefule creates live through electronically looped trumpet, clarinet, and everyday objects. We just saw this show in Portland and it was hilarious, strange, and profound.

Austin’s own Joshua Banbury (an amazing multi-dimensional vocalist and lyricist) will be performing a set with their trio in advance of next year’s Fusebox Launchpad, a new program designed to help local artists create ambitious live performance projects that premiere locally in Austin, with an eye toward then touring the show around the United States and the world.

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Bridging Eras: Past and Present in Hyde Park - Hyde Park Historic Homes Tour

Bridging Eras: Past and Present in Hyde Park - Hyde Park Historic Homes Tour

Join us! Sunday, November 10th, The Elisabet Ney Museum will be featured in Hyde Park's Historic Homes Tour!

An annual event since (sometime between) 1975 and 1977, residents of Hyde Park have opened up their historic homes to visitors. Organized by volunteers as a ticketed event, it’s the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association’s largest annual fundraiser.

Each year’s Homes Tour features a list of selected homes with historic significance to Austin and Hyde Park. Guests can tour the homes on their schedule over a Sunday afternoon in the fall.

You first check in anytime beginning at 11am at the Elisabet Ney Museum at 304 E. 44th Street. Please do not arrive at other homes to start; you will be redirected to the Ney.

There, you'll receive a self-guided tour booket with home locations and extensive background information about each home edited by HPNA volunteers with assistance from the homeowners and other local historians. Each person touring must have a wristband you'll receive at check-in.

Find more info about tickets, tips, and the homes featured, at the HPNA website here: https://www.austinhydepark.org/2024homes

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Austin Studio Tours
to Nov 10

Austin Studio Tours

The Austin Studio Tours is an annual program produced by Big Medium, featuring hundreds of open artist studios and galleries across the Austin area. The Elisabet Ney Museum is Stop 71!

Celebrating the commonalities between 19th-century art and modern times, the contemporary art programs at the Elisabet Ney Museum activates conversations between artists across the centuries and in collaboration with the historic native Texas landscape. Redefining Ney's iconoclastic life and brilliant art through the lens of three female contemporary visual artists, the museum’s newest exhibition, Breaking the Mold, explores notions of the artist process, life in 19th century Austin as an immigrant, and an admiration for the natural world.

The exhibition features new and existing artwork inspired by Elisabet Ney by Austin-based artists Beili Liu, Virginia L Montgomery (VLM), as well as Tammie Rubin. In addition to the exhibition, the artists will collaborate with the museum to create a new annual educational initiative, Breaking the Mold: Mobile Hands-On Art Crates. Each unique portable classroom kit will be designed and fabricated by the artists and be deployed into Austin elementary classrooms to engage students in the areas of art, history, science, and math to encourage critical thinking and the creative process. This program will also reinforce Elisabet Ney’s vision for women in the arts while advocating for youth educational initiatives.

This project has been funded in part by a grant from the Dorothy C. Radgowski Learning Through Women’s Achievement in the Arts Grant Program, provided through the Where Women Made History and the Historic Artists' Homes and Studios programs of the National Trust for Historic Preservation along with support from the Summerlee Foundation.

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It's My Park Day

It's My Park Day

It's My Park Day is Austin Parks Foundation's biannual, community-led day of service. Volunteers work to improve parks and green spaces around Austin and build community through projects like litter cleanup, tree mulching, invasive species management and more. @austinparksfdn

For more than 20 years, It’s My Park Day has brought volunteers from across Austin together to improve their local parks and build community. All projects are led by community members to encourage neighbors to come out, lend a hand and connect with fellow park lovers from all walks of life. This is a day many look forward to all year as we celebrate the people and parks that make Austin special!

Please register to volunteer here: https://austinparks.givepulse.com/event/487956-Its-My-Park-Day-at-the-Ney%21

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Naturalists at the Ney: Foraging for Beginners

Naturalists at the Ney: Foraging for Beginners

**Saturday, October 26, 2024 - 10 am to 12 pm**

Find, identify, and learn how to prepare edible wild food from our expert guides Eric M.Knight and Stacy M. Coplin, co-authors of *Foraging Texas*. These native Austinites will take you on a journey to explore the Elisabet Ney Museum native landscape that extends outside our city limits. Plan on taking an edible plant walk, learn how to identify edible plants, and observe how to process foraged acorns into flour. This is a two hour-long workshop, please bring your water bottle and a hat. Children and families are welcome.

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Community Art Bash

Community Art Bash

Saturday, October 12, 2024 5:00 to 8:00 pm
Breaking the Mold exhibition: October 12, 2024 - December 1, 2024
Super Modeling exhibition: April 6 - November 10, 2024

Experience the Elisabet Ney Museum’s latest contemporary visual art exhibition and enjoy this annual creative event in which the community shares their thoughts and experiences the museum in new dynamic ways through the eyes of Austin-based female artists. 


Celebrating the through line between 19th-century art and modern times, the contemporary art programs at the museum activates conversations between artists across the centuries and in collaboration with the historic native Texas landscape. 


Community Art Bash attendees will experience a culmination of events inspired by Elisabet Ney including the opening of the exhibition Breaking the Mold (featuring the artwork of artists Beili Liu, Virginia L Montgomery (VLM), and Tammie Rubin), a new one-night project by artist Erica Nix, guided tours, and musical performance by Lou Priest (new solo artist persona of Kate Priestley). Be a part of the museum's evolving programs, exhibits, and educational initiatives on this night of exchange and creativity. 


This project has been funded in part by a grant from the Dorothy C. Radgowski Learning Through Women’s Achievement in the Arts Grant Program, provided through the Where Women Made History and the Historic Artists' Homes and Studios programs of the National Trust for Historic Preservation along with support from the Summerlee Foundation.


Breaking the Mold is a group exhibition consisting of art that engages with the life, art, home, and story of Elisabet Ney by Austin contemporary visual artists Beili Liu, Virginia L Montgomery (VLM), and Tammie Rubin. These artists will also kick off a museum educational initiative Breaking the Mold: Mobile Hands-On Art Crates to be deployed in 2025 into Austin elementary schools to share Elisabet’s story with a new generation and with a focus on female empowered artists. These portable classroom kits designed and fabricated by the artists will bring each artist created crates into Austin 4th grade classrooms and engage students with art, history, science and math-based lessons that encourage critical thinking and the creative process.

Reads "The Elisabet Ney Museum's Community Art Bash" "Saturday, October 12, 2024 5pm-8pm"
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Breaking the Mold
to Dec 15

Breaking the Mold

Experience the Elisabet Ney Museum’s latest contemporary art exhibition, Breaking the Mold, and enjoy this annual creative event in which the community shares their thoughts and experiences the museum in new dynamic ways through the eyes of artists.

Celebrating the through line between 19th-century art and modern times, the contemporary art programs at the museum activates conversations between artists across the centuries and in collaboration with the historic native Texas landscape.

Breaking the Mold is a group exhibition consisting of art that engages with the life, art, home, and story of Elisabet Ney by Austin contemporary visual artists Beili Liu, Virginia L Montgomery (VLM), and Tammie Rubin. These artists will also kick off a museum educational initiative Breaking the Mold: Mobile Hands-On Art Crates to be deployed in 2025 into Austin elementary schools as a means to share Elisabet’s story with a new generation and with a focus on female empowered artists. These portable classroom kits designed and fabricated by the artists will bring each artist created crates into Austin 4th grade classrooms and engage students with art, history, science and math-based lessons that encourage critical thinking and the creative process.

This project has been funded in part by a grant from the Dorothy C. Radgowski Learning Through Women’s Achievement in the Arts Grant Program, provided through the Where Women Made History and the Historic Artists' Homes and Studios programs of the National Trust for Historic Preservation along with support from the Summerlee Foundation and A3.

On Display During Museum Hours October 12th 2024 – December 15th 2024

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Austin Museum Day

Austin Museum Day

Celebrate our current exhibit, *Super Modeling*, by exploring the many processes that Elisabet Ney used to execute her own neoclassical sculptures. This year for Austin Museum Day, the Elisabet Ney Museum will present a portrait sculpting demo by local artist, Dana Younger. There will also be a ton of interactive sculpting activities, portraiture lessons and edible sculptures that participants can take home. This will be the last time to enjoy the *Super Modeling* exhibit before the exhibition closes to make way for a brand new contemporary art exhibit.

Austin Museum Day is a community initiative funded by the Austin Museum Partnership. This annual event includes special programs and activities at dozens of local museums and cultural institutions across the area.

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Saturday Studio Sessions: Photographing identity

Saturday Studio Sessions: Photographing identity

Learn how to create a silhouette collage using our temporary portrait booth. Through this session, participants will use magazine cut outs to create their own photographic representation. Attendees are welcome to bring their own digital photocopies. Our education staff will lead the demonstrations and all of the materials will be provided. This program is free and open to all ages!

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Saturday Studio Sessions: Sculpting Society

Saturday Studio Sessions: Sculpting Society

Discover the connection between sculptures and our society. How do buildings and statues reflect the world around us? Through this session, participants will delve into this topic by using found materials to create a three-dimensional public art piece. Our education staff will lead the demonstrations and all of the materials will be provided. This program is free and open to all ages!

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